Monday, October 19, 2009

There is something about Mary

There's Something About Mary

What is significant on the month of September? Perhaps Americans would remember the event of September 11 Twin Tower Tragedy; Our Muslim brothers will observe their holiest month, the Ramadan; Jewish people will celebrate their New Year Festival (Rosh Hashanah): How about us Catholics, what do we liturgically celebrate during September?
September 8, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Birth of Mary .The origin of this Feast is sought in Palestine. It goes back to the consecration of a church in Jerusalem, which tradition identifies as that of the present basilica of St. Ann (as St. Ann and Joachim were the Blessed Virgin Mary’s parents). The Feast began to be kept toward the end of the 7th century, brought there by Eastern monks. The celebration assumed notable importance, becoming a Solemnity but reduced to a simple one during the reform of St. Pius X. The Birth has been assigned to September 8 but in ancient times it was celebrated on different dates from place to place. However, when the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (which has a later origin than that of the Birth) was extended to the whole Church, the Birth little by little became assigned to September 8: (nine months after the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception). It is also good to know that only the Virgin Mary
and St. John the Baptist had the privilege of celebrating their birthdays in liturgy by the Church which most often saints are only by their death anniversaries. Why? Is there Something Special about Mary?
In this light, the birth of the Blessed Virgin is considered to be - like that of John the Baptizer - in direct relationship with the coming of the Savior of the world. Thus, the birth and existence of Mary similar to and even more than those of the Baptizer - take on a significance that transcends her own person. It is explained solely in the context of the History of Salvation, and lies at the bringing to an end the stage of expectation and the promises and inaugurating the new times of grace and salvation in Jesus Christ.

Birthdays for all of us are significant events of our lives, the time we have to thank God for the gift of life He had given to all of us and a time to cherish the wonderful things and blessings God had poured within every span of a year. The birth of Mary is meant in particular toward her mission as Mother of the Savior. Now is the time also to thank the Blessed Virgin Mary that through her we have Jesus as Savior. It is just worthy to give her honor and praise especially on her birthday, the birthday of our dearest Mother.

Br. Allen Iñigo,sss

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